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2012-03-22 14:50  作者:  来源:网络  字号:T|T


  death benefit 死亡恤金
  For example, if 10, 000 policy-owners in the pool pay USD
  1,000 each in annual premiums, the pool would amass USD 10,
  000, 000 each year to cover claims resulting from losses.
  Should 500 members of the pool have losses during the year of
  USD 10, 000 each, the pool would be able to reimburse the
  members for their losses and still accumulate a large amount
  of funds for later claims.
  amass vt. To gather together for oneself, as for one’s
  pleasure or profit; accumulate:积聚,积累:为某人自己积聚,如为其乐趣或利益;积累
  to cover claims
  cover vt. To be sufficient to defray, meet, or offset the cost
  or charge of:足以支付,足以补偿:足够支付、偿付或抵消…的花费和价钱
  例:had enough funds to cover her check.
  claim n. A demand for payment in accordance with an insurance
  policy or other formal arrangement.索赔:遵照保险单或其它正规约定的赔偿要求
  reimburse vt. To pay back or compensate (another party) for
  money spent or losses incurred.偿还:因花了钱或发生了亏损向另一团体还钱或赔偿
  In this particular case, new members would be brought into the
  pool and the remaining members would pay their next annual
  premiums to replenish the pool of funds.
  replenish vt. To fill or make complete again; add a new stock
  or supply to:补充:把…再装满或再备足;给…新添备料或供给
  The law of large numbers basically relies on the principle
  that the larger the pool, the more predictable the amount of
  losses will be in a given period.
  (the principle)that the larger the pool, the more predictable
  the amount of losses will
  the larger …, the more predictable …(“越…,越…”句型)
  Since not all members of the pool are the same age or in the
  same health condition, we can assume not all of them will be
  making a claim at the same time.
  In fact, by recording and studying the number of claims over a
  very large population, the number of 62 years old men, for
  example, who will die in a particular year can be fairly
  (62 years old men,) who will die in a particular
  year此句为非限制性定语从句,对前面的先行词62 years old men作补充说明。
  This is not to say the year a particular person will die can
  be predicted. It only says that in a given year there is a
  high probability that X number of men who are 62 will die at
  that age.
  (probability) that X number of men who
  probability n. The likelihood that a given event will
  例:a great probability of rain this evening.
  Accordingly, with enough data, a statistician can comfortably
  predict the number of persons of a given age who will conceive
  a serious illness in a given year. With enough data, the
  statistician can assemble all of this information into tables.
  For deaths, the tables are called mortality tables and for
  sicknesses they are called morbidity tables.
  conceive vt. To form or develop in the mind;
  例:conceive a plan to increase profits.
  assemble vt. To bring or call together into a group or
  mortality tables死亡率表
  morbidity tables发病率表
  All insurance is based on these two principles. A teenager
  commands a higher auto insurance rate because the statistical
  history has shown they have more accidents and the accidents
  are more serious than for a 40-year-old driver.
  To deserve and receive as due; exact:应得,值得:适当地应受和接收;强求
  Again, this is not to say there will not be instances of a
  40-year-old marathon runner dying from heart problems or other
  causes but, statistically, those incidences will be less for
  the marathon runner than for the heart patient who smokes.
  marathon runner马拉松长跑运动员


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