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2012-03-22 14:50  作者:  来源:网络  字号:T|T


  fundamental a.Of or relating to the foundation or base;
  particular risk
  ii. Pure and speculative risk
  Speculative risk is present if either beneficial or adverse outcomes could stem from a specific event, whereas if possible harm is the only alternative to the present status quo the situation is one of pure risk.
  pure risk 纯风险 A pure risk has no chance of gain: there is only
  a chance of loss.
  speculative risk 投机风险(与纯粹风险相对应的是投机风险(speculative
  stem (from) vi. To have or take origin or
  status quo n.现状
  C. The relationship between risk and insurance Buying insurance is one method of controlling the financial aspects of the unknown future. If you buy an insurance policy, you exchange a situation of risk for one of financial certainty. financial certainty财务稳定性
  certainty n. 【复数】 cer.tain.ties The fact, quality, or state of
  being certain:确定性,确实性:成为确定的事实、性质或状态
  While insurance controls risk mainly by transferring the responsibility for paying for losses from one person to another, it may also affect the risk directly, by influencing the chance of a loss occurring. This may happen in two opposing ways:
  opposing 反作用的, 反向的, 相反的, 对立的
  l Insurers may encourage policyholders to be more careful, by rewarding those whose losses are small. They may
  also offer advice on how to prevent losses.
  reward vt. To give a reward to or for.报答:给…或为…给予奖赏
  l On the other hand, policyholders may either deliberately cause losses in order to obtain money from insurers, or be less careful because of the insurance protection. This behavior is termed moral hazard. moral hazard 由于投保人可能不可靠所冒的风险;道德风险
  moral a. 道德(上)的, 精神的
  hazard n. A chance of being injured or harmed;
   In practice, not all risks can be insured, and the
  insurability of a given risk depends on a number of factors:
  insurability n. 可保性
  insurable a. 可保险的, 适合保险的
  a given risk某一特定风险
  l Losses are measurable in monetary terms.
  in monetary terms用货币蘅量
  in terms of : As measured or indicated by; in units of:用…衡量或表示
  l Only pure risks are insurable.
  The insurer must be able to collect together a sufficiently large group of separate and independent exposure units which are subject to broadly similar risks. This is so that the Law of Large Numbers can operate effectively.
  exposure unit风险单位
  Law of Large Numbers 大数法则(又称“大数定律”或“平均法则”。)
  l Losses must be fortuitous.
  fortuitous a. Happening by accident or chance.See Synonyms at
  accidental 偶然发生的:因某种事件或机会而发生

  Before we introduce the basic law of mathematics in insurance,
  the law of large numbers, another definition needs to be
  mentioned first, risk transference.
  mathematic basis数理基础
  risk transference风险转移
  Risk transference, sometimes called "pooling", involves the
  transfer of risk from the individual to a pool of the
  insurance company’s policyholders.
  pooling (principle) 共同分担(原则)
  pool n. ①A mutual fund established by a group of stockholders
  for speculating in or manipulating prices of
  ②The persons or parties participating in such a
  The insurance company charges a fee, the premium (or part
  thereof), for accepting the risk and "pools" the premiums from
  a group of policyholders into a general fund to fund the death
  benefits under contract.
  charge a fee收费
  charge vt. To set or ask (a given amount) as a
  fund n. A sum of money or other resources set aside for a
  specific purpose:基金:为特定目的而拨出的钱款
  例:a pension fund.
  vt. To furnish a fund for:资助:为…提供资金
  例:funded the space program.

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