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2012-04-12 17:51  作者:  来源:考试大  字号:T|T

  Explanations of terms:(10 points)
  1. Monetary base:The monetary base, or high-powered money, is defined as banking system reserves plus currency held by the public. More specifically, the monetary base consists of reserve deposits held in the central bank, vault cash or currency held by commercial banks, and currency held by the public.
  2. CPI:It is the abbreviation of Consumer Price Index based on the prices of the representative goods and services consumed by households, reflects the changes of the prices of the consumer goods and services closely related to people’s daily life.
  3. Foreign exchange markets:Foreign exchange market instability can be divided into two types. The first occurs in a managed exchange rate regime when a discrete change in a currency’s external value takes place or is threatened. This is usually described as a currency crisis. The second occurs in a floating exchange rate regime, when the amplitude of fluctuations in the market exchange rate is greater than can be explained on the basis of fundamental economic factors. This is usually termed excess volatility.
  4. Capital market:The market in which corporate equity and long-term debt securities (those maturing in more than one year) are issued and traded.
  5. Economic efficiency:Situation in which (with the given state of technology) it is impossible to generate a larger welfare total from the available resources. In other words, the situation where some people cannot be made better-off by reallocating the resources or goods, without making others worse-off. Also called allocation efficiency, it and stands ready to buy and sell for its own account. More generally, an individual or entity which buys and sells products and holds an inventory.

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