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2012-01-14 02:38  作者:  来源:译言网  字号:T|T




  If they could be made to work on a large scale, quantum computers would be able to solve problems much faster than any machines based around traditional electronics. The idea behind quantum computation is to hijack some of the "spookiness" in the area of physics known as quantum mechanics.


  Researchers aim to exploit the way sub-atomic particles can become delicately but inextricably linked in "entangled states" to do computing of unimaginable complexity. Part of that effort comes by bumping up, one by one, the number of quantum bits or "qubits" - units of quantum information - that can be brought under control.


  This year saw three qubits entangled in a situation not unlike that found in traditional electronics. Researchers were also able to entangle ten photons - the fundamental packets of light. Both results are regarded as an experimental tours de force.


  The demonstrations of logic gates using entangled states and of a way to store quantum bits (analogous to computer memory) were also promising advances towards the goal of a functioning quantum computer.


  More than that, quantum computation could simply be easier than originally thought. We now know that "quantum objects" might not need to be single atoms or photons. Instead, even objects big enough to be seen with the naked eye can take on slippery quantum properties. In 2010, we also saw that quantum computers might even work with lots of errors - that is, the constraints on how many delicate quantum states must be maintained for the computer to function might not be as tight as once thought. We can expect more promising advances to emerge in 2011.




  Nasa's twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity are about to enter their seventh year on Mars. And it shouldn't be too long before they are joined by another roaming robot nicknamed Curiosity. The US space agency's Mars Science Laboratory mission is scheduled to launch in late 2011, to land the Curiosity rover on Mars's surface in the summer of 2012.


  MSL is designed to determine whether Mars was, or still is, capable of hosting life. The 750kg rover will carry state-of-the-art instruments - a scientific payload to help study the Red Planet's geology, atmosphere and environmental conditions, as well as potential biosignatures.


  The mission will also employ cutting edge technology, including a "sky crane" system. MSL is too heavy for the airbags employed to cushion landings on previous Mars missions. Instead, the rocket-powered sky crane will gently lower the rover to the surface using a tether.


  We will have to wait until 2012 to see Curiosity touch down on the surface of Mars, but many are hopeful the mission will make an important contribution to answering a question that scientists - along with a certain mercurial rock solo artist from Brixton - have pondered for decades: Is there life on Mars?





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