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2012-01-08 18:24  作者:  来源:译言网  字号:T|T

摘要:2011年度最白痴密码第一名:password2. 123456.

  Whenever idiotic passwords are discussed, the following story always comes up: five years ago, a group of Slovak hackers breached Slovakia's National Security Bureau (abbreviated NBU), which stores tons of classified information. It was an easy hack. The NBU's master login/password was simply nbusr/nbusr123. After cracking it, the hackers publicized the information, much to the NBU's embarrassment.

  每次我们讨论白痴密码的时候,都会讲这个故事:五年前,一群来自斯洛伐克的黑客成功入侵了斯洛伐克的国家安全局(缩写:NBU)。他们拿到了NBU手里的堆积如山的绝密信息。黑客们表示毫无压力,因为NBU的主机登录名/密码居然分别是NBUSR/NBUSR123。入侵成功后,黑客们公开了所有绝密信息,让NBU着实丢了一回脸。What's even worse? Days later, the password was still "nbu123."

  还有更绝的。几天以后,NBU改换了密码。你猜这回有多复杂?答案是nbu123. That was five years ago, but bad passwords still abound. SplashData, a password management app maker, compiled a list of the 25 worst passwords of 2011, based on millions of stolen passwords that were dumped online. Typically after hackers compromise a server, like Sony's or CIA.gov's, they post all these personal details online.

  这是五年前的旧事了。但是五年后,白痴密码仍然锋芒不减。“数据飞溅”公司,一家密码管理软件制造商,不久前列出了2011年年度最白痴密码。这份名单由数百万个晒在网上的被盗密码中精选排列而成。通常黑客黑掉一个服务器,比如索尼或者中情局后,他们会把所有的个人信息通通放上网。Many of the passwords are sequential numbers like "12345" or "654321," while others contained messages like "letmein" and "trustno1". Even if you thought you were being clever with "qazwsx," (look at your keyboard, you'll get it) it's number 23 on the list. "Monkey," "password," and "qwerty" are ALWAYS on these lists. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but, seriously?

  许多密码是简单数列,比如“12345”和“654321”,而其他密码则传递信息,比如“让我进来”(letmein)和 “不要对陌生人说话”(trustno1)。就算你觉得自己很聪明设置了“qazwsx”这种密码(看看键盘你就明白了),你还是会光荣上榜。“猴子”(monkey),“密码”(password)和“键盘第一排”(qwerty)都是这份榜单的永久性住户了。虽然我知道你们都很聪明这些密码都不是你们设的..但是..这些人到底闹哪样啊!1. password

  第一名:password2. 123456

  第二名:1234563. 12345678

  第三名:123456784. qwerty

  第四名:qwerty5. abc123

  第五名:abc1236. monkey

  第六名:monkey7. 1234567

  第七名:12345678. letmein

  第八名: letmein 9. trustno1

  第九名:trustno1 (很警觉)10. dragon

  第十名:dragon (很中国)11. baseball

  第十一名:baseball (很美国)12. 111111

  第十二名:11111113. iloveyou

  第十三名:iloveyou(很浪漫)14. master

  第十四名:master (很霸气)15. sunshine

  第十五名:sunshine (很阳光)16. ashley

  第十六名:ashley17. bailey

  第十七名:bailey18. passw0rd

  第十八名:passw0rd (恩,很狡猾)19. shadow

  第十九名:shadow20. 123123

  第二十名:12312321. 654321

  第二十一名:65432122. superman

  第二十二名:superman23. qazwsx

  第二十三名:qazwsx24. michael

  第二十四名:michael25. football

  第二十五名:football (足球果然第一运动)Having a tough-to-crack password won't thwart a sophisticated cybercriminal, who can use other methods to breach a server in which passwords are stored. But a solid password will at least deter the lowest common denominator like a nosy partner or a low-level hacker using a dictionary attack that simply tries thousands of passwords.

  在这里我们再次友情提醒:虽然不能说设置一个复杂的密码就百毒不侵了,道高一尺魔高一丈是常有的事,但是一个像样点的密码起码能让你不被菜鸟级黑客羞辱。If you, like me, are rather scatterbrained, perhaps it's time to invest in a password management app which generates unique passwords for you and stores them under one password-protected program. LastPass 1.72 Premium is PCMag's Editors' Choice for password managers. It keeps your encrypted password collection online and works across Windows, Mac, and Linux machines. For more, see security analyst Neil Rubenking's selection of Six Great Password Managers.

  如果你像我一样有轻度安全强迫症,我建议你使用一款密码管理软件来为你设计一个独特的密码存储在程序里。A few months ago a software architect at Microsoft, compiled after the Sony PSN hack, revealed that most of us have three, easy-to-crack passwords. For tips on how to how to do passwords right, read PCMag's Password Protection: How to Create Strong Passwords. See Passwords: You're Doing it Wrong to avoid some common errors.






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