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影视音乐:海瑟薇《结婚大作战》婚礼动情插曲 Dream

2011-09-05 18:07  作者:  来源:可可英语  字号:T|T


  简介:《结婚大作战》是一场因为女人抢风头而引起的闹剧,挺折腾也挺荒谬,但剧情进行到婚礼开始前的一刻,两人隔着礼堂的走廊相视微笑,那一刻她们终于清楚知道什么才是真正重要的。婚姻或许是你自己的,婚礼或许是重要的形式主义,但生命中永恒的维系是一生都断不了。很好听很安静的一首插曲,来自Priscilla Ahn的Dream。


  by Priscilla Ahn

  I was a little girl alone in my little world

  who dreamed of a little home for me.

  I played pretend between the trees,

  and fed my houseguests bark and leaves,

  and laughed in my pretty bed of green.

  I had a dream

  That I could fly from the highest swing.

  I had a dream.

  Long walks in the dark through woods

  grown behind the park,

  I asked God who I'm supposed to be.

  The stars smiled down on me,

  God answered in silent reverie.

  I said a prayer and fell asleep.

  I had a dream

  That I could fly from the highest tree.

  I had a dream.

  Now I'm old and feeling grey.

  I don't know what's left to say

  about this life I'm willing to leave.

  I lived it full and I lived it well,

  there's many tales I've lived to tell.

  I'm ready now, I'm ready now,

  I'm ready now to fly from the highest wing.

  I had a dream




    Dream 海瑟薇 Im 影视音乐 婚礼 相关文章导读

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