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迈克尔杰克逊生前经典歌曲汇总Heal the -Childhood Theme [From Free Willy 2]

2012-03-20 09:42  作者:  来源:[标签:来源]  字号:T|T

摘要:childhood (theme from free willy 2) have you seen my childhood? i'm searching for the world that i come from 'cause i've been looking around in the lost and found of my heart... no one understands me they view it as such strange eccentricit

childhood (theme from "free willy 2")
have you seen my childhood?
i'm searching for the world that i come from
'cause i've been looking around
in the lost and found of my heart...
no one understands me
they view it as such strange eccentricities...
'cause i keep kidding around
like a child, but pardon me...
people say i'm not okay
'cause i love such elementary things...
it's been my fate to compensate,
for the childhood
i've never known...
have you seen my childhood?
i'm searching for that wonder in my youth
like pirates in adventurous dreams,
of conquest and kings on the throne...

before you judge me, try hard to love me,
look within your heart then ask,
have you seen my childhood?
people say i'm strange that way
'cause i love such elementary things,
it's been my fate to compensate,
for the childhood i've never known...
have you seen my childhood?
i'm searching for that wonder in my youth
like fantastical stories to share
the dreams i would dare, watch me fly...
before you judge me, try hard to love me.
the painful youth i've had
have you seen my childhood.

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    异地高考改革:民众期待 两会破冰

    异地高考:民众期待 两会破冰
